Masculinity and it's "Worth"
In this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer titled "Go Fish", the trouble that Buffy has to face is the creation of sea monsters that the school's swim team is turning into. For this to happen, Xander becomes apart of the swim team in order to find out how the team gets their steroids. Buffy also tried to protect the swim team but later finds out that the coach is the one that gave his team the steroids but also added his own mixture that caused the boys to turn into the creatures. At the end, Buffy is able to defeat the coach and stop the rest of the team from becoming sea creatures.
Breakdown of Gender Norm: Masculinity

Strength and Power in the Eyes of Men:
Incorporating this scene into the show, this has a connection with how students athletes are treated in today's society. Many athletes have been known to be treated differently from other students only because they hold a "bigger" position when it comes to school activities. As we know, there are many cases in which student athletes have been known to get away with certain things that regular students or individuals can't get away with. The scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer for instance, Camren gets away with sexual advances towards Buffy and Gage who is another student athlete gets to slack of in school but is still able to be apart of the team. Another breakdown in
Blaming women for how they dress is still a problem in todays society. I like how you were able to point that out in the show. The way Buffy was blamed often happens in society too when she was really just defending herself.