Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 3, Episode 4)

Willow and Oz
           In the beginning of this episode, Buffy is having a meeting with her guidance counselor and he is giving her a talk about Love. In today's time, female's find it very shocking when a male is open about Love and how it impacts your life. Love is also brought up with the character Willow, you can tell that Willow is in love with Oz but Oz is afraid to show Willow his true self when he tells her to get away from him. When Buffy saw Angel in the woods with blood on his mouth, she was surprised which brings up a question of love again. I have not watched all of the episodes but on some that I have seen, it seems as if Buffy and Angel had a different type of connection. Buffy has another encounter with Angel in this episode, and Buffy seems scared of Angel at this point. Buffy has Angel in shackles and tries to touch him to see if he is still himself, Angel then jumps at Buffy and scares her away to the point where she leaves the room.
Debbie's boyfriend when he was yelling at her. 

          I personally found it very hard to pay attention to gender roles in this specific episode. It seems like throughout this whole show, not only this episode, that the males overpower the females except for when it comes too Buffy. Buffy is in fact the main character in the shower because she is the slayer, but each one of the vampires seems to be male that she is slaying. Near the end of the episode, one of Buffy's friends begin to get beat by their boyfriend, which is in fact a vampire. This encounter between the boyfriend and Debbie, Debbie is being overpowered by a male, continuing to follow the sequence of the show.

         The title of this episode is "The Beauty and the Beasts" which I feel like it is relating to the Disney movie for a reason. The movie that almost everyone knows, The Beauty and the Beast, is about a princess that falls in love with a beast/ monster. That implies that in this episode, one of the female characters will fall in love with one of the monsters in the show, which would end up being one of the vampires.


  1. I liked how at the end you related the episode to the Disney film. I liked how you related the monsters to over masculine males and how the girls overpower that. Angel's actions may suggest he's changing for the worse.

  2. The title of the episode really speaks to how love can be understood. Buffy (the beauty) tries to handle Angel (the beast); Oz (the beast) tries to stay away from Willow (the beauty). The gender performance of these two men clearly speaks to high levels of masculinity. While Buffy is rarely viewed as dainty/meek, Buffy and Willow are seen as stereotypical women. But their love is always there. Perhaps, this episode is vocalizing how men can always be the beast - no matter what happens. No matter if the beauty is too robust, or the beast is too animalistic, a partnership is a partnership.

  3. I like the way your blog is set up. its an easy and fun read, I did watch this ep I liked how you said the men Oz, Angel, and The BF are the beasts, and Willow, The Gf and Buffy are the beauties.


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