You Have the Potential! [Blog #2 - BtVS]

Season 7, Episode 12 - "Potential" Gender is a ubiquitous subject. Television shows (from any genre) contain countless images that discuss gender representation. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a firm example that furthers gender discussion; this television series endlessly discusses gender dynamics in every single episode and season. Specifically, "Potential" (S07E12) elevates the conversation of woman potential, a topic eloquently discussed. I am so excited to take y'all on this discussion with me. I hope y'all are prepared for a (literal) kicka$$ episode. Figure #1: Dawn and Amanda entering the classroom that Amanda trapped the vampire in. Aired on January 21st, 2003, "Potential" is rich in conversations about gender. To provide brief and concise summary: Buffy and the four Potential Slayers are fighting and training to elevate their abilities (as Potential Slayers). As the episode progresses, Dawn (Buffy's younger sister) is ac...