Candy Man (Blog #3)

Candyman, Romantic or Rapey?

In the 1992, American Supernatural Horror film, Candyman, there is more than meets the eye with urban legend the Candyman who appears if you say his name five times in a mirror and kills people frequently in the urban street of Chicago. The films touches on topics like racism, sexism, sexual assault, and more while keeping the audience on their toes!

One aspect of the film that carries throughout it is the concept of women being punished for disobedience, whether it be expressing their sexuality or making the Candyman upset directly. The beginning of the movie shows Clara cheating on her boyfriend with Billy and they call for the Candyman together. She is ultimately murdered as well as the baby she was watching, while Billy ran off. She is being punished for being promiscuous.

Helen was often picking up weapons and then having someone walk
in on her and dead bodies, so not too good of a plan there girl.

This comes up again when Helen and Bernadette doubt Candyman's existence and say his name in the mirror almost as a way to tempt fate. The Candyman eventually reveals himself to the women and kills Bernadette, whereas Helen, he sets up for murder punishing them both for doubting him.

Even single mother Anne-Marie is punished by having Anthony kidnapped all because she spoke with Helen and Bernadette about the Candyman. The that fact the the Candyman serves out punishments implies he's apparent righteousness.

Another aspect of the film that the Candyman brings up is men being possessive over women and general sexism. The minor detail that is supposed to ensue that you know that Helen is the supposed reincarnation of the Candyman's former love is not that obvious, so I'm not sure if its the best fall back for his possessiveness over Helen.
Supposedly Helen is the reincarnation of the Candyman's love,
only even told to the audience briefly.

The Candyman has an obvious obsession from the first time he sees her. There are not too many horror stories of being being haunted by the Candyman and more of his killing people. It was rather unusual how he stayed with her longer and was interested in her more seriously. He even helped her break out of the psych ward.

Candyman attempts to kiss Helen numerous times and even slides his hook up her legs in a very sexual and stab-y way. He even attempts to keep himself with her as they were escaping the burning wood pile. Helen however stabbed him, killing him, and broke free saving Anthony, but perished herself.

Even the topic of racism were brought to light. Helen comments why it was so easy for her to get the cops to come rescue her from the Cabrini, but numerous African-American's were unable to get help when they were attacked in the same area.

There is even a historical relevancy since the Candyman is supposedly the son of a slave who made a name for himself. The Candyman then fell in love with a white woman. Which was definitely a sore subject back in the time he was from.

Helen would often become dazed by the Candy Man's presence,
here she attempted to kill him but was thwarted.

I think when comparing Carol Clover's Her Body Himself, to Candyman there are obvious parallels that Clover makes known are going to be apart of horror films. Like the topic of sex being punishable there is a huge emphasis on sex and youth and even adultery that draws the average viewer in.

Candyman was definitely more than I expected going into the movie, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I wish they could have done more to really tie his backstory in, however if they did I think some would find his behavior towards Helen more acceptable knowing that she had once chosen to be with him. That would not be good. I know there are two other movies that came after this one so im going to be adding those to my movie list to watch soon!


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